 H.E.Drikung Che-nga Rinpoche

     岡波巴中心常駐上師第二世敬安仁波切  乃是直貢噶舉第四代法王敬安•札巴炯內 (Spyan snga Grags pa ‘byung gnas, 1175-1255) 之轉世  化身。

    如《洛絨佛教史》(Lho rong chos ‘byung) 所言:「敬安仁波切與溫仁波切(指第三代  直貢噶舉法王溫•索南札巴)乃受持吉天宋恭之傳  承心子。」敬安•札巴炯內出生於朗氏 (Rlang) 家族,初於桑結耶巴尊前出家,   十八歲時面見吉天宋恭,並任其侍寢    (“敬安”意  即近侍者) 達二十一年。時吉天宋恭一身兼任其上師帕摩竹巴所創建之帕竹丹薩梯寺 (Phag gru gdan sa mthil)與直貢寺 (‘Bri gung mthil)之住持,六十六歲時,因年邁無法兼任二職,遂命時年三十四歲之敬安•札巴炯內為帕竹丹薩梯寺住持,彼時至尊吉天宋恭向其言:

  「往昔吾乃 汝之上師,今日而後汝為上師,必能使丹薩梯寺發揚光大。」
  在吉天宋恭圓寂後,敬安仁波切成為  當時西藏眾善知識中難與匹敵之大智者; 例如薩迦派三祖札巴嘉參 (Rje bcun Grags pa rgyal mtshan, 1147-1216) 圓寂時,薩迦 班智達 (Sa skya Pandita, -1251) 即迎請彼為首席賓客 (《朗氏家族史》(Rlang gi Poti) 中載有薩迦班智達致敬安仁波切之邀請信)。在第三代法王溫仁波切圓寂後,直貢寺眾弟子迎請敬安仁波切回直貢寺任住持, 爾時彼已六十一歲。在二十年住持生涯中,敬安仁波切正確地闡揚大印與戒律無二之法要見地,所作事業廣大,利益眾生無邊。在蒙古軍隊入侵西藏時,他更保護許多寺院與教派不受蒙人損害。1255年12月8日具諸吉兆於直貢寺圓寂,時年八十一歲。

    在其轉任職直貢寺住持後,帕竹丹薩梯寺 由其朗氏家族繼承,在十四世紀中葉時由此家族之大司徒強秋嘉贊 (Tai si tu Byang chub rgyal mtshan, 1302-1364) 建立在西藏歷史上極為重要之帕竹王朝。而「敬安」之頭銜也形成帕竹噶舉傳承史中極特殊的 「敬安」傳承;此傳承並非轉世傳承,乃是師徒世代傳承,自第一代敬安•札巴炯內  至十七世紀中葉格魯派統一西藏政權為止, 共計有二十一代敬安仁波切,在當時的帕竹王朝傳統中,敬安仁波切乃是王朝中最高位之宗教上師。除噶瑪噶舉傳承之第四世與 第六世夏瑪仁波切曾為其中兩任以外,餘均為帕竹噶舉傳承上師。

    第二世敬安仁波切於1974 年生於拉薩,  青海省玉樹自治州下鍾巴百戶家族人士, 朗欽加布仁波切之姪,父為當地噶瑪噶舉 傳承之丹津仁波切。1985 年中學畢業後,於噶瑪噶舉派之本寺祖普寺出家,並完成 三年三個月之閉關。1997年寧瑪派敏林赤欽仁波切 (Min gling Khri chen,即台灣俗稱之睡覺法王) 因某因緣故,主動認證其為直貢噶舉敬安•札巴炯內之轉世化身,此亦同時獲兩位直貢法王認證。1999年3月15日於印度菩提林佛學院,由直貢姜貢澈贊法王 為其舉行昇座大典。近兩年來,仁波切於  美國岡波巴中心協助朗欽加布仁波切    弘法,並曾進行多次閉關專修。

H.E. Drikung Che-Nga Rinpoche

The Second Che-nga Rinpoche is the reincarnation of the fourth Throne-holder of Drikung Kagyu School- Che-nga Drag-pa Jung-ne (Spyan snga Grags pa ‘byung gnas, 1175-1255).
In Lho rong chos ‘byung (Buddhist history of Lho rong), it says: “Che-nga Rinpoche and Won Rinpoche (the third Throne-holder of Drikung Kagyu) are the heart disciples of Lord Jigten Sumgon.” Che-nga Drag-pa Jung-ne was bron of the Rlang family in Kham and was ordained under the seat of Sangye Yepa.  He first met Lord Jigten Sumgon at eighteen years old and became his attendant for twenty-one years. (Che-nga means close attendant)  At that time, Jigten Sumgon was the abbot for both Phag-dru Den-sa Thil (Phag gru Gdan sa mthil) Monastery and Drikung Thil (‘Bri gung Mthil) Monastery.  At age sixty-six, becauseof old age, Jigten Sumgon entrusted Che-nga to be the abbot of Phag-dru Den-sa Thil Monastery. Jigten Sumgon said: “In the past,  I was your guru. Now, you are the guru. You will bring glory to Phag-dru Den-sa Thil.”

After Lord Jigten Sumgon passed away, Che-nga Rinpoche became the incomparable great sage among other important practitioners. For example, when the third patriarch of Sakya School Drapa Gyatshan (Grags pa rgyal mtshan, 1147-1216) passed away, Sakya Pandita (1182-1251) invited Che-nga Rinpoche to be the chief guest at the funeral. The invitation letter sent by Sakya Pandita was included in the Rlang gi Po ti (Family history of Rlang). When Won Rinpoche passed into nirvana, Che-nga Rinpoche was invited to Drikung Thil Monastery to be the abbot. He was then sixty-one years old. In the next twenty years, Che-nga Rinpoche propagated the teaching of non-duality of Mahamudra and precepts without any fault. His dharma activities are so vast that he benefited many sentient beings. When the Mongolian army invaded Tibet, he protected the monasteries and various lineages from being attacked and destroyed. At age eighty-one, he passed away with many auspicious signs at the Drikung Thil Monastery on the eighth day of the twelfth month in 1255.
When Che-nga Rinpoche became the abbot of Drikung Thil, his Rlang family member succeeded as abbot of the Phag-gru Monastery. Until the fourteenth century, Tai-si-tu Changchub Gyatshan (Tai si tu Byang chub rgyal mtshan, 1302-1364) from his Rlang family overthrew the Sakya Khon family’s rule over Tibet, and founded the Phag-gru Dynasty, a very important dynasty in Tibetan history. 

The title “Che-nga” was developed into a special “Che-nga” lineage in the Phag-gru Kagyu School. The lineage of “Che-nga” was inherited through guru to disciple rather than reincarnations. From the first Che-nga, which was Drag-pa Jung-ne, until the fifth Dalai Lama of the Gelug School took over the political power over Tibet in the middle of seventeenth century, there were twenty-one Che-nga Rinpoches. During that time, Che-nga Rinpoche held the highest religious position in the Phag-gru Dynasty. Except that the fourth and the sixth Sharma Rinpoches of the Karma Kagyu School had been two Che-nga Rinpoches, all others were from the Phag-gru Kagyu School.

The second Che-nga Rinpoche was born at Lhasa in 1974. He is Lamkhyen Gyalpo Rinpoche’s nephew, belonging to the Brong-me family of Nangchen in the Kham area. His father, Dan-dzin Rinpoche, is a Karma Kagyu Rinpoche in Nangchen. In 1985, after graduating from high school, Che-nga was ordained at Tsurpu Monastery, the root monastery of Karma Kagyu School, and then he joined the three year three month retreat. In 1997, Ming-ling Khri-chen ( Smin gling Khri chen) Rinpoche, the head of Nyingma School, recognized him as the reincarnation of Che-nga Drag-pa Jung-ne. Both the Drikung Kyab-gon Rinpoches agreed on this special recognition. Kyab-gon Che-tshang Rinpoche enthroned him as Che-nga Rinpoche at Byangchub-ling Monastery in India on March 15th, 1999. In these years, Che-nga Rinpoche stayed at Gampopa Vajrayana Buddhist Center in New Jersey, U. S. A., and assisted Lamkhyen Gyalpo Rinpoche to give the dharma teachings. He also engaged in retreat for several months there in America.
